Salam Perjuangan

20 Februari 2011


Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) is inviting members of the public to the UBD Open Day 2011 which will be held Feb 19 and 20 at the Chancellor Hall from 8am till 5pm.According to a press release, the Open Day is designed for prospective students, as well as parents to find out first hand about the programmes offered by UBD such as the GenNext Degrees, Graduate and UniBridge programmes.

Prospective students can look forward to informative booths from each faculty where they can find out and seek advice from Deans, Deputy Deans, Programme Leaders and Assistant Registrars.It will also be a good opportunity to learn about the Discovery Year (Study Abroad Programmes, Internship, Incubation and Community Outreach projects). Also included in the programme are exhibits by students' clubs, campus tour, residential college tour and dialogue sessions with the current students and alumni.

The Open Day is essential for a guided and informed process for entering UBD and it provides a platform for prospective students to choose their career paths. Admission is free. For more information, call the International and Public Relations Office at 2463001 ext 1277 or the Student Affairs Section at ext 1920.( Borneo Bulletin,19-20/2/11)

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