Salam Perjuangan

17 Januari 2011


Not everyone can be a teacher. Not only must you have the passion for education, you need to know to engage the students in their learning, be good role model and an inspiration to them and people and prepare them for the challenges of life.

A teacher is the heart and soul of class,the pulse that keeps a lesson lively and engaging.Teaching as a career is an exerting journey filled with challenges and rewards. You play the critical role in nurturing the spirit of innovation and the passion for learning for our young,grooming them into all-round individuals.In turn, you will grow both as a person and professional come take up this meaningful career and experience the wonders of teaching.

So we recognize that our teachers have different aspirations.The teaching profession provides a challenging and enriching career with varied fields of excellence that cater to young talent,abilities and aspirations,

Lastly, welcome to our SPM,STPM/STAM,diploma and degree holders this year for involve
into education line for our nation.

Dr Rajiee Hadi,

Persatuan Pengamal Pendidikan Malaysia/PPPM/PENDIDIK,
(Malaysia of Education Practiotioners Assoociation)Reg.1561
Kuala Lumpur.

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